Australian Synchrotron Spectroscopy Group Workshop 2025
Date |
Fri 16 May at 9.00am - Fri 16 May at 5.00pm
Cost |
No cost
Venue | Online Event |
Registration | |
Program | |
The Australian Synchrotron Spectroscopy Group is pleased to announce the 2025 Spectroscopy Group Workshop which will take place on Friday May 16th, 2025. This event is ONLINE only.
Expect to see the beamline teams detail their beamlines and end stations (current and upcoming capabilities) and learn how to get the most out of your beamtime, samples, and data. The complementarities between the suite of spectroscopy beamlines will be highlighted.
Who should attend?
Those with interest in learning about how the MEX 1 & 2, SRX and XAS beamlines can be used to solve science puzzles and anyone who would like to learn more about the upcoming capabilities available in spectroscopy at the Australian Synchrotron.

Workshop outline
- Invited speaker presentations
- Hear from four expert users of our beamlines to talk about their experience on our beamlines, and how to best prepare for beamtime.
- Speakers to be advised
- Advice on getting the most out of your beamtime.
- How to apply for beamtime.
For more information on Data analysis prior to the workshop, follow the link: https://www.youtube.com/c/matthewnewville