Instrument Calibration
Annual inspections and testing of operational radiation monitors are absolutely essential for the safety of staff working with ionising radiation sources and ensures that your practice adheres to current requirements set out by commonwealth and state regulators.
Quality Calibration Services
ANSTO provides reliable and traceable calibration services for radiation survey meters, contamination monitors and electronic personal dosimeters.
ANSTO has more than 20 years of experience providing this essential calibration service based on approved methods and standards.
Our reference sources are traceable to the Australian standard maintained by the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA).
ANSTO operates under ISO 9001 Quality Management System accreditation.
Calibration and repair
Dose rate monitors
Surface contamination monitors
Electronic dosimeters
Radioisotope identifiers
Electronic adjustment and minor repairs
Service provision
Fast turnaround time –maximum of five working days from receipt of instrument to calibration
Reliable service with expert advice concerning evaluation of instrument performance
Accurate calibrations of radiation survey monitors against Cs-137 sources over a wide
Instrument calibration fees
Dose rate meter / survey meter: $346 - $418
Contamination monitor: $346 - $418
Additional modes or probes: $123 - $149
Personal electronic dosimeter: $133 - $160
Tritium monitor: $630
*Price can vary depending on the number of instruments requiring calibration.
Frequently asked questions
What range of instruments can ANSTO offer calibration services for?
Our calibration services cover Gamma Dose Rate Meters, Alpha,Beta and Gamma Contamination Monitors, Electronic Personal Dosimeters and Tritium in Air Monitors.
What dose rate range can ANSTO calibrate to?
Calibration services are offered for protection level monitors. Dose rates achievable are approximately 1µSv/h to 200mSv/h Gamma (Cs-137 only).
How can I find out the specific cost of calibration for my instruments?
The price range quoted on our website reflects the discounts available on bulk service orders. Please contact us for a quote specific to your requirements.
What is the turnaround time on calibration services?
We aim to achieve a turnaround time of no more than 5 working days from receipt of the instrument to calibration. Freight times must be considered additional to this service time.
What are the payment options for the calibration service?
Please raise a Purchase Order to accompany the instruments. Once the calibrations are complete ANSTO will issue you with an invoice. The invoice has payment options including bank transfer and credit card payment.
Where do I send the instruments and how are they returned?
Please arrange your own freight to and from ANSTO for your instruments. This can be done either by using your preferred courier with your account or alternatively the instruments can be dropped off and picked up at the ANSTO receiving building between 8.30am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Delivery Address: ANSTO- Main Store
Attention: Calibration Service (Bld4)
New Illawarra Rd
Lucas Heights
NSW 2234 Australia
If you have any further questions please send us an email and a member of the team will respond.