Project BRIGHT
In just 11 years of operation, the Australian Synchrotron has emerged as one of Australia’s most important pieces of landmark scientific infrastructure.
The unique properties of synchrotron light provide researchers and industry with results that are greater in accuracy, clarity, specificity and timeliness than those that could be obtained using conventional laboratory equipment.
The Australian Synchrotron features ten world-class beamlines, covering a broad range of applications including health and biological sciences, earth and environmental sciences, advanced materials, engineering and manufacturing, energy and sustainability science, cultural heritage and archaeology as well as fundamental physics, chemistry and accelerator science.
Such is the value of the facility to Australia’s science and innovation ecosystem, that each of the existing beamlines is oversubscribed. Furthermore, with constant advances in scientific methods, researchers and industry partners require access to a broader suite of techniques than those currently available.
Following the Federal Government’s substantial $520 million contribution to secure the future of the facility to 2027, ANSTO has been working in earnest to secure capital investment for the Australian Synchrotron. This investment will facilitate the design and installation of eight additional beamlines, enabling the facility to meet the needs of Australian researchers and industry partners and continue enabling ground-breaking research well into the future.
To date, ANSTO has received $94.1 million of capital funding from over 20 contributors. This overwhelming support for the Australian Synchrotron is a testament to the value of the research it enables.
However, the job is far from over; we are still seeking additional funding commitments to ensure all eight additional beamlines can be constructed. This document outlines remaining opportunities for investment and highlights the research and industrial benefits of each of the proposed new beamlines.
We encourage you to consider how an investment could benefit your organisation, and contact us to discuss this further.

Prof Andrew Peele, Director of the Australian Synchrotron, Dr Adi Paterson, CEO, ANSTO and Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science Arthur Sinodinos