User Access
The ANSTO user office leads and drives the entire user program at both Sydney and Melbourne through managing and coordinating user interactions with ANSTO research infrastructure. The user office supports facility users at each campus and is committed to making your planned visit as streamlined, pleasant and productive as possible.
ANSTO Research Portal
Your gateway to all ANSTO research facilities, including Centre for Neutron Scattering, Biosciences, Centre for Accelerator Science, Nuclear Stewardship, and much more.
Legacy ACNS Customer Portal
Use the legacy ACNS Customer Portal to access other ACNS/NDF proposal types, including past proposals.
Australian Synchrotron Portal
Use this portal to submit proposals and subsequent experiments for access to the Australian Synchrotron.
What services does the ANSTO User Office provide?
- An active program of user communication
- User coordination including ANSTO site and capability access, and initiation of the security clearance process for users at Lucas Heights and site access management for users, staff and contractors
- Managing the User Travel Program, International Synchrotron Access Program (ISAP) and the Australian Synchrotron Guesthouse
- Proposal management including the coordination of scientific, technical, safety & regulatory review processes, proposal allocation and access schedules
- Ensuring and enforcing user compliance with regulatory and other mandatory requirements
- Capturing and reporting user feedback
- Gathering of research outputs (thesis, patents, refereed journal publications, books, book chapters, journal covers, trade journals) generated by the user program.
Contact the Sydney user office
Office Hours Sydney: Monday to Friday 8.00am- 5.00pm
Sydney user office
Contact the Melbourne user office
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm