Access to information
Documents held by ANSTO, can be requested under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. ANSTO also has a free enquiry service for members of the public requiring information about ANSTO and its research.
Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) gives any person the right to:
- Access copies of documents we hold
- Ask for information we hold about you to be changed or annotated if it is incomplete, out of date, incorrect or misleading
- Seek a review of our decision not to allow you access to a document or not to amend your personal record.
You can ask to see any document that we hold. This general right is limited by exemptions to protect essential public and private interests. We can refuse access to some documents, or parts of documents that are exempt.
Exempt documents may include those relating to national security, documents containing material obtained in confidence, Cabinet documents, documents affecting the privacy of individuals, or other matters set out in the FOI Act.
Documents available outside the FOI Act
You can get certain information, including any personal information we hold about you, without following a formal process under the FOI Act.
You should also check the information we have published under the Information Publication Scheme and the Disclosure Log to see if what you are seeking is already available.
Release of your own information
If you want access to any of your own personal information, you should contact the relevant part of ANSTO first. ANSTO can provide copies of some documents without the need for you to make an FOI request.
How to make a request
To make a request you need to:
- Make sure the request is in writing
- State that the request is an application for the purposes of the FOI Act
- Provide information about the document to assist us to process your request
- Provide an address for reply
If you are requesting documents related to your internal affairs, to assist us to protect your privacy, please include a copy of photographic identification with your request.
If you are requesting documents on behalf of another person relating to their personal affairs, please provide specific written authority, by that person, for ANSTO to send copies of documents to you or allow you to inspect copies of documents containing information about that third party.
Please also include a copy of photographic identification of the third party with the request.
If you require assistance with your request, please contact the FOI Coordinator by email [email protected] or by phone on 02 9717 3111.
Who do I send the request to?
You can send your request via email to:
Or by mail to:
FOI Coordinator
Locked Bag 2001
Kirrawee DC NSW 2232
Who can I contact for more information?
If you need more information about how to make a request please email [email protected].
Fees and charges
There is no application fee or processing charges for requests for access to documents containing only personal information about you. However, processing charges may apply to other requests. All charges are set by FOI regulations. The most common charges are:
Item | Charge |
Search and retrieval: time spent searching for or retrieving a document | $15.00 per hour |
Decision making: time we spend in deciding to grant or refuse a request, including examining documents, consulting with other parties, and making deletions | First five hours: nil. Subsequent hours: $20 per hour |
Transcript: preparing a transcript from a sound recording, shorthand or similar medium | $4.40 per page of transcript |
Photocopying | |
Inspection: supervision by an agency officer of your inspection of documents or hearing or viewing an audio or visual recording at our premises | $6.25 per half hour |
Delivery: posting or delivering a copy of a document at your request | Cost of postage or delivery |
If we decide to impose a charge, we will give you a written estimate and the basis of our calculation. Where the estimated charge is between $20 and $100, we may ask you to pay a deposit of $20, or where the estimated charge exceeds $100, we may ask you to pay a 25% deposit before we process your request.
ANSTO cannot impose a charge if we fail to make a decision on an FOI request within the statutory processing period, including any authorised extension of that period.
You can ask for the charge to be waived or reduced for any reason, including financial hardship or on the grounds of public interest. If you do so, you should explain your reasons and you may need to provide some evidence.
What you can expect from us
We will acknowledge your request within 14 days after we have received your request. We will also give you an estimate of any charges that apply to your request. We are usually required to inform you of our decision within 30 days unless that time has been extended. If a document contains information about a third party, we will need to consult them and may need to extend the time to give you our decision by another 30 days.
If for any other reason we are likely to need more than 30 days to complete your request, we will contact you to arrange an extension of time for processing of your request in accordance with the requirements under the FOI Act.
ANSTO may also apply to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner to apply for an extension of the processing time where exceptional circumstances would prevent us from processing your request in 30 days. You will be informed in writing if the processing time has been extended.
If we do not meet these 30 day time limits, you can apply to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner to review our decision on the basis that we are deemed to have refused your request.
What happens if you disagree with our decision?
When we have made a decision about your FOI request, we will send you a letter explaining our decision and your review and appeal rights. You can ask for the following decisions to be reviewed:
- If we refuse to give you access to all or part of a document or if we defer giving you access
- If we impose a charge
- If we refuse to change or annotate information about you that you claim is incomplete, incorrect, out of date or misleading
A third party who disagrees with our decision to give you documents that contain information about them can also ask for our decision to be reviewed.
Internal review
You can request in writing that we reconsider our decision through an internal review. An internal review will be conducted by another officer in our agency. We will advise you of our new decision within 30 days of receiving your request.
Information Commissioner review
You can ask the Australian Information Commissioner to review our original decision or our decision on internal review within 60 days of the date of decision (or 30 days after you are notified if you are an affected third party).
The Information Commissioner can affirm or vary the decision or substitute a new decision. The Information Commissioner may decide not to conduct a review in certain circumstances.
More information is available at the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your request, you can contact the Australian Information Commissioner, who may investigate our actions. The Commonwealth Ombudsman can also investigate complaints about our actions. However, the Commonwealth Ombudsman and the Information Commissioner will consult to avoid the same matter being investigated twice.
Information Publication Scheme
ANSTO is bound by the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act) and is required to comply with the provisions of the FOI Act relating to the Information Publication Scheme (IPS).
The IPS scheme aims to transform the FOI framework from one that responds to individual requests for access to documents to one that requires agencies to take a proactive approach to publishing information.
The IPS promotes public access to information held by government agencies.
What information is ANSTO required to publish?
ANSTO is required to publish the following information under the IPS:
- Information Publication Plan
- Who we are: Organisation chart and Statutory appointments
- What we do: ANSTO’s functions and operational information
- Routinely requested information and disclosure log: Disclosure log
- Our reports and responses to Parliament: Annual reports
- Consultation arrangements for members of the public to comment on specific policy proposals
How will ANSTO publish information?
Access to information published in accordance with the FOI Act will be available on ANSTO’s website. ANSTO’s FOI Administration will be responsible for responding to requests, concerns or complaints about ANSTO information available to the public and updating the Information Publication Scheme.
FOI Administration on 9717 3111 [email protected]
Decisions on publication of information will be made on a case by case basis in consultation with the area responsible for that information.
ANSTO is bound by the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act) and is required to comply with the provisions of the FOI Act relating to the Information Publication Scheme (IPS).
ANSTO has prepared this Agency Plan in accordance with section 8(1) of the FOI Act to describe how ANSTO implements and administers the IPS in respect of information held by ANSTO.
1. Purpose
The purpose of this Agency Plan is to:
- Assist ANSTO in planning and administering IPS entry
- Describe the information that ANSTO proposes to publish, how and to whom that information will be published; and
- How ANSTO will otherwise comply with the requirements of the IPS.
2. Objectives
This Agency Plan sets out the procedures ANSTO has to:
- Manage its IPS entry;
- Identify and publish all information required to be published under section 8(2) of the FOI Act;
- Identify and publish any optional information to be published under section 8(4) of the FOI Act;
- Review and ensure on a regular basis that information published under the IPS is accurate, up to date and complete (s8B of the FOI Act);
- Ensure that information published under the IPS is easily accessible and user-friendly;
- Ensure satisfactory conformance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Version 2) WCAG 2.0; and
- Review the success of ANSTO’s IPS entry by reference to community feedback and compliance review processes.
3. Establishing an information publication scheme
ANSTO’s Regulatory and Compliance function is responsible for managing ANSTO’s compliance with the Information Publication Scheme (IPS), with support from the following ANSTO functions:
- ANSTO Communications;
- ANSTO Records Management;
- ANSTO Information Technology;
- Office of the CEO; and
- Government and International Affairs.
ANSTO Communications is largely responsible for publication of information relating to ANSTO.
ANSTO has internal FOI Act guidelines which set out information required to be published under the IPS.
ANSTO has an FOI Disclosure Log to record information released in response to an FOI request that can also be published as part of the IPS.
4. Charges
ANSTO may charge a person for accessing any IPS document which it is impracticable to publish online:
- at the lowest reasonable cost
- to reimburse specific reproduction costs or other specific incidental costs (FOI Act s 8D(4)).
5. IPS Information Architecture
ANSTO has an IPS webpage.
ANSTO's IPS information on its IPS webpage is published under the following headings:
- Information Publication Plan
- Who we are: Organisation chart and Statutory appointments
- What we do: ANSTO’s functions and operational information
- Routinely requested information and disclosure log: Disclosure log
- Our reports and responses to Parliament: Annual reports
- Consultation arrangements for members of the public to comment on specific policy proposals
6. Accessibility under ANSTO’s IPS
Where possible, ANSTO will ensure that documents are published to meet the WCAG 2.0 requirements.
As far as practicable, ANSTO will publish online information in HTML, MSWord and PDF format. Where a person requires an alternative accessible format of a document, it will be made available on request.
7. Information required to be published under the IPS
Under section 8 of the FOI Act, from 1 May 2011, all Commonwealth agencies have been required to provide access to certain categories of information.
In assessing which information to make available, ANSTO has regard to the objects of the FOI Act and guidelines issued by the Australian Information Commissioner.
- ANSTO will publish the following categories of information as required under the IPSANSTO’s IPS Agency Plan
- ANSTO’s Organisational Chart
- Details of ANSTO’s functions, including decision making powers and other powers affecting members of the public
- Details of statutory appointments within ANSTO
- ANSTO’s Annual Report
- Consultation arrangements for members of the public to comment on specific policy proposals which ANSTO is responsible for.
- Information ANSTO routinely or regularly releases in response to requests for access under the FOI Act
- ANSTO’s FOI Disclosure Log
- Information provided to Parliament by ANSTO
- Contact details of ANSTO officers who can be contacted about access to information or documents under the FOI Act. ANSTO has provided the general number so that it will not change with staff movements.
- Operational information
8. FOI Disclosure Log
The FOI Disclosure Log contains a summary of FOI requests received by ANSTO and details of how the documents may be accessed. However, personal, family, business, commercial, financial or professional information will not be published in the Disclosure Log where ANSTO decides it is unreasonable to publish that information.
9. Optional information
ANSTO already publishes a wide range of information online about its activities. Not all of this information is required by the Information Publication Scheme (IPS).
In addition to the information outlined above as being required by the IPS, ANSTO will include the following types of information as part of the IPS:
- ANSTO’s Corporate Plan
- ANSTO’s Service Charter
- Nuclear Science fact sheets and reports
- Information on safety, research, business Services and procurement
10. Administering ANSTO’s IPS Scheme
In deciding which information as part of the IPS,ANSTO has FOI guidelines to:
- Identify what documents are required to be included in the IPS.
- Identify what information is to be included the FOI Disclosure Log.
ANSTO's ongoing compliance with the IPS is managed by the Regulatory and Compliance function in conjunction with communications, Office of the CEO and Information Technology.
11. IPS Review
ANSTO will review and revise this Agency Plan at annually.
ANSTO will review the operation of its IPS from time to time and at least every five years, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner regarding IPS compliance review.
12. Comments on ANSTO’s Agency Plan
ANSTO welcomes any comments on its IPS Agency Plan, addressed to [email protected]
13. Contact information
FOI Administration on 9717 3111 [email protected]
FOI Disclosure Log
ANSTO is a government agency and is therefore required by the Freedom of Information Act 1982 to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists information which has been released in response to an FOI access request. This requirement has applied since 1 May 2011.
The disclosure log requirement does not apply to:
- Personal information about any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
- Information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
- Other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
- Any information if it is not reasonably practicable to publish the information because of the extent of modifications that would need to be made to delete the information listed in the above dot points.
The disclosure log below provides details of documents released by ANSTO under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. This information is available for public access. You can obtain copies of the released documents by emailing a request with the details of the information requested.
Please advise if you wish to obtain a hardcopy format of the documents. You should include information for contact by phone, email or in writing. Please note that there is a charge of $0.10 per page for photocopies of written documents. There is no charge for electronic copies of documents.
Log number | Date of Access Decision | Summary of request | Description of information released |
1 | 29 March 2012 | Reports of breaches of regulations or licensing requirements communicated to other agencies including ASNO, ARPANSA, TGA and AFNO. | Documents relating to TGA and ARPANSA breaches. Released in part. Redactions applied pursuant to sections 47F and 47G. |
2 | 4 June 2012 | Request seeking documentation relating to PETNET’s business plan, financial data and impairment review. | PETNET’s business plan released in part. Redactions applied pursuant to sections 45, 47G and 47. Comments regarding valuation released in full. Impairment review exempt in full pursuant to sections 47 and 47G(1)(a) |
3 | 9 May 2013 | Appointment of all panel members included in the review of ANSTO Life Sciences, agenda for the external Life Sciences, and expertise of reviewing organisations that qualifies them for selection | Terms of reference of Life Sciences Review, summary of reviewer expertise and invitation to panel members. |
4 | 28 October 2016 | All documentation relating to the documentary TV series: Uranium - Twisting the Dragon's Tail, sent or received by ANSTO prior to, during the series' development and following its premier on SBS. | Emails between ANSTO and Genepool Productions. Redaction applied pursuant to sections 47, 47G and 45 of the FOI Act. |
5 | 17 November 2016 | "Advice ANSTO provided to the Minister as part of his incoming ministerial brief” | ANSTO Incoming Government Brief dated 26/07/2016. Redactions applied pursuant to sections 47C, 47F and 47 of the FOI Act. |
6 | 13 January 2017 | Electronic copy (scan) of the 1970 Australian Atomic Energy Commission publication, "Disposal of radioactive wastes from US. naval nuclear-powered ships, a bibliography." | Document released in full. |
7 | 13 January 2017 | An electronic copy of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission's Publication "Bibliography on Sr90 uptake and fallout." (1957) | Document released in full. |
8 | 27 January 2017 | A digital copy (scan) of the 1955 AAEC publication, "Clothing for radiation protection". | Document released in full. |
9 | 27 January 2017 | A digital copy (scan) of the 1958 AAEC publication, "Protective clothing ". | Document released in full. |
10 | 5 September 2017 | “Electronic copies of all correspondence between ANSTO and Rowan Ramsey MP from the years 2014 to present (inclusive)” | Correspondence between ANSTO and Mr Rowan Ramsey MP from the years 2014 to time of FOI request. Redactions applied pursuant to section 47F of the FOI Act. |
11 | 13 August 2018 | "All ministerial briefing notes on the mechanical issue identified with a conveyor belt on June 22 and related issues such as the impact on production and exports" | All four documents identified released in full. |
12 | 8 December 2022 | A copy of the ‘Business Program Review of Bullying and Harassment’, supplied by Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) under contract CN ID: CN3818076. | The Report was released in part and the training material was exempt in full |
13 | 7 February 2023 | A copy of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation’s estimates briefing pack, including back pocket briefs, for the 2022 October and November Budget Estimates. | The pack was released in part |
14 | 15 February 2023 | All notifications provided by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) to ARPANSA in which it was deemed by ANSTO, that the statutory requirements under the ARPANS Act or the conditions of any of its facility licenses had been breached from 07/07/2020 – 21/12/22. | Four documents were released in full |
15 | 7 March 2023 | Documents in relation to the proposed acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines by Australia | 14 documents were partially released |
16 | 22 March 2023 | A copy of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation’s finalised estimates briefing pack, including an index of back pocket briefs, for the 2023 February Supplementary Budget Estimates. | 4 documents released in full and 19 documents partially released |
17 | 28 April 2023 |
| 4 documents partially released |
18 | 20 July 2023 |
| 1 document released in full 14 documents partially released 1 document fully exempt |
19 | 24 July 2023 | Any email which contains the word overtime in the subject line or body of the email and attachments to emails which contain the word ‘overtime’ in the attachment name which are sent to and from Ian Martin, General Manager of Nuclear Medicine, regarding overtime. 1 December 2022 – 22 May 2023. Only seeking complaints. | 1 document partially released |
20 | 17 August 2023 | For the period from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2012, any Controlled Business Management System documents regarding the importance of calibrating pH meters in the nuclear science division. Excluding correspondence such as emails, letters, file notes and experiment specific records relating to the calibration of pH meters. | 2 documents released in full |
21 | 17 August 2023 | For the period from 1 January 2002 to 1 January 2006, any health centre or WHS procedure documents such as instructions, policies, processes relating to health surveillance of scientists working with depleted uranium. Excluding correspondence such as emails, letters, file notes and experiment specific records relating to health surveillance and the actual health surveillance records. | 1 document released in full 1 document released in part |
22 | 17 August 2023 | The three quarterly reports provided by ANSTO to Cadia Valley Operations (referred to in paragraph 1 on page 2 of the attached report), and all drafts of the Stage 2 Report provided by ANSTO to Cadia Valley Operations after providing the three quarterly reports. | 4 documents released in full |
23 | 23 October 2023 |
| 1 document released in part |
24 | 01 March 2024 and 15 August 2024 (55G decision) | In Q1 of 2023 a review team was established, led by Mr Steve Grzeskowiak, to identify locations in the current of future Defence estate suitable for the storage and disposal of intermediate and high level waste from Australia’s nuclear-powered submarines. I seek access to: 1. Any correspondence between ANSTO and the review team. 2. Any information shared with the review team. | Original decision- 1 March 2024 40 documents released in part. 5 documents released in full 55G decision – 15 August 2024 14 documents released in part 2 documents released in full |
25 | 29 August 2024 | For the period from 24 August 2018 to 23 July 2024:
Excluding publicly available documents. | 11 documents released in part |
26 | 20 August 2024 | 1. The contract between ASA and the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) relating to military science and research: see Contact Notice CN4065021 published by AusTender on 17 June 2024. 2. Any documents that are deliverables under the contract. For document deliverables not completed, I seek the latest draft. | 1 document released in part |
27 | 8 November 2024 | Documents from the Indexed list of departmental and agency files for the period 1 January to 30 June 2024 – ANSTO for ADM205233 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS ‐ ADVICE ‐ MINISTERIAL BRIEFINGS ‐ JANUARY TO DECEMBER 2024 | 6 documents released in part 1 document exempt in full |
All copyright in this website is the property of ANSTO. All rights are reserved. You may print pages of this Website for your personal use and you may download any files which we make available through the website for your personal use.
Other than for the purposes of and subject to the conditions prescribed under the Copyright Act 1986 and similar statutes that apply in your location, you may not, in any form or by any means:
- Distribute, modify, copy, adapt, store, transmit, display, publish or otherwise reproduce in any way any of the material in this website
- Commercialise any information, products or services obtained from any part of this website,
Terms and conditions
These Terms and Conditions govern the use of this website, which is defined below. By using this website, you will be taken to agree to them. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, you should immediately exit this website.
This website is designed to provide introductory information regarding the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation and should not be relied upon for any purpose. Any person wanting up-to-date information for any purpose should contact ANSTO.
In these Terms and Conditions, website means the whole or any part of the web pages located at http://www.ansto.gov.au and include the layout of this website, individual elements of the website design, underlying code elements of this website; or text, sounds, graphics, animated elements or any other content of this website.
ANSTO may change these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice. Any amendment will be effective immediately. Your use of this website after any amendment constitutes an agreement by you to comply with and be bound by the amended Terms and Conditions.
Accordingly, you should read these Terms and Conditions from time to time to check for changes. You should also regularly refer to ANSTO's Privacy Policy which may also be updated from time to time.
Applicable laws
These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws in force in New South Wales, Australia and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales, Australia and any courts which may hear appeals from those courts in respect of any proceedings in connection with the Terms and Conditions or this website.
General disclaimer
To the extent permitted by law, ANSTO excludes any and all liability to you or anyone else for any loss or damage, however caused (including through negligence) which may be directly or indirectly suffered in connection with use of this Website or websites of other entities which are hyperlinked from this Website.
This general disclaimer is not restricted by any of the following specific warnings and disclaimers.
Specific warnings and disclaimers
The Website is designed to provide general information only. We update it from time to time. You should not rely on it for any purpose, as information on it may be out of date, inaccurate or may not be suitable for your particular purpose.
ANSTO may change and update the information at any time without notice to users. ANSTO makes no representation or warranty as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information contained on this Website or that the Website will be uninterrupted or error free.
To the extent permitted by law, ANSTO excludes liability to any person (including you) for any errors on the Website.
To the extent permitted by law, ANSTO excludes any liability to any person (including you) for any interference with or damage to any computer system which occurs in connection with use of this Website or websites of other entities which are hyperlinked from this Website.
You must take your own precautions to ensure that whatever you select from your use from this Website is free of viruses or anything else (such as worms or trojan horses) that may interfere with or damage the operation of your computer systems.
To the extent permitted by law, all representations, warranties and other terms are excluded. You must ensure that your access to this Website is not illegal or prohibited by laws which apply to you or in your location.
All trade names, trademarks, service marks and other product and service names and logos (the Marks) displayed on the Website are proprietary to their respective owners and are protected by applicable trademark and copyright laws. These Marks may be registered or unregistered marks of ANSTO or others.
ANSTO is a registered trademark.
Nothing contained on the Website should be construed as granting any licence or right of use of any other person or entity's trademark which is displayed on this Website without their express permission.
If you use any of ANSTO's trademarks to refer to ANSTO's activities, products or services, you must include a statement attributing that trademark to ANSTO. You must not use any of ANSTO's trademarks:
In or as the whole or part of your own trademarks; in connection with activities, products or services which are not ANSTO's; in a manner which may be confusing, misleading or deceptive; and in a manner that disparages us or our information, products or services (including this Website).
Third party websites
This Website may contain links to websites of other entities (third party websites). Those links:
- Are provided for convenience only and may not remain current or be maintained;
- Should not be construed as any endorsement, approval, recommendation or preference by us of the owners or operators of the other websites, or for any information products or services referred to on those websites.
Your use of any link to websites of other entities is entirely at your own risk.
ANSTO's Privacy Policy
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) is committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles.
View our Privacy Policy
Senate File List
In line with Senate tabling requirements for Commonwealth departments and agencies, ANSTO tables the indexed lists of files created in the organisation's central office, associated with the Industry Portfolio: Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation.
ANSTO has a nil response for the periods 1 July to 31 December 2019, 1 July to 31 December 2020, 1 January to 30 June 2021, 1 July to 31 December 2021, 1 January to 30 June 2022 and 1 July to 31 December 2024.
- 1 January - 30 June 2024
- 1 July‐ 31 December 2023 (PDF, 90.54 KB)
- 1 January to 30 June 2023
- 1 July to 31 December 2022 (PDF, 91.24 KB)
- 1 January to 30 June 2020 (PDF 31KB)
- 1 January to 30 June 2019 (PDF 164KB)
- 1 July to December 2018 (PDF 17KB)
- 1 January to 30 June 2018 (PDF 22KB)
- 1 July to 31 December 2017 (PDF 18KB)
- January - June 2017 (PDF 18KB)
- July - December 2016 (PDF 18 KB)
- January - June 2016 (PDF 214KB)
- July - Dec 2015 (PDF 219 KB)
- January - June 2015 (PDF 196KB)
- July - December 2013 (PDF 196KB)
- January - June 2013 (PDF 174 KB)
- July - December 2012 (PDF 176 KB)
- January - June 2012 (PDF 43 KB)
- July - December 2011 (PDF 41.3 KB)
- January - June 2011 (PDF 15.4KB)
- July - December 2010 (PDF 10.8KB)
- January - June 2010 (PDF 15.7 KB)
- July - December 2009 (PDF 15.4 KB)
- January - June 2009 (PDF 13.1 KB)
- July - December 2008 (PDF 15.4 KB)
- January - June 2008 (PDF 307 KB)
- January - June 2007 (PDF 564 KB)
Contact information
Phone +61 2 9717 7276.
Senate Order 13
- Senate Order 13 - Listing of Group Contracts, January 2025
- Senate Order 13 - Listing of Group Contracts, July 2024
- Senate Order 13 - Listing of Group Contracts, January 2024 (PDF, 249.88 KB)
- Senate Order 13 - Listing of Group Contracts, July 2023 (PDF, 279.9 KB)
- Senate Order 13 - Listing of Group Contracts, January 2023 (PDF, 229.84 KB)
- Senate Order 13 - Listing of Group Contracts, July 2022 - PDF (241Kb)
- Senate Order 13 - Listing of Group Contracts, January 2022 - PDF (284Kb)
- Senate Order 13 - Listing of Group Contracts, July 2021 - PDF (267 Kb)
- Senate Order 13 - Listing of Group Contracts. January 2021 - PDF (770Kb)
- Senate Order 13 - Listing of Group Contracts. July 2020 - PDF (944 Kb)
- Senate Order 13 - Listing of Group Contracts. December 2019 - PDF (164 Kb)
- Senate Order 13 - Listing of Group Contracts. July 2019 - PDF (728 Kb)
- Senate Order 13 - Listing of Group Contracts, February 2019 - PDF (599 Kb)
- Senate Order 13 – Listing of Group Contracts. February 2018 - PDF (251 Kb)
Previous versions:
On 20 June 2001, the Senate agreed to an Order requiring each Minister to table a letter advising that a list of contracts, in respect of each entity administered by that Minister, has been placed on the Internet, with access to the list through the department's website.
Equal Employment Opportunity
Staffing levels at ANSTO, measured in total full-time equivalents (FTEs) as at 30.06.2016, are summarised below:
Total FTEs at ANSTO as at 30.06.2016
Number of core staff (FTE) as at 30.06.2016
CATEGORY | Female | Male | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander | Non-English Speaking Background | Staff with a disability |
Research Scientists | 43.82 | 91.50 | - | 32.00 | - |
Research Support | 63.64 | 171.74 | 1.00 | 75.71 | 2.00 |
ANSTO Health | 70.43 | 156.11 | 2.00 | 51.41 | - |
Nuclear Services | 28.74 | 165.50 | 2.00 | 46.00 | 2.00 |
Engineering, Capital and Maintenance Services | 15.65 | 199.53 | 2.00 | 28.65 | 3.00 |
Other Enablers | 110.84 | 104.02 | - | 31.27 | - |
TOTAL | 333.12 | 888.40 | 7.00 | 265.04 | 7.00 |
Definition for Total FTE
- All active full-time and part-time, ongoing and non-ongoing employees engaged for a specified term or task paid through payroll (part-time employees are converted to full-time equivalent based on the hours they work).
- Overtime.
- Non-ongoing staff engaged for duties that are irregular or intermittent (casuals).
- Workers paid through a third party (contractors).