6MV Sirius Accelerator
The 6MV tandem accelerator, named Sirius, is instrumented with a wide range of accelerator mass spectrometry, ion beam analysis and ion irradiation facilities. The three ion sources include hydrogen and helium sources, and a MC-SNICS sputter source for solid materials.

Sirius has accelerator mass spectrometry facilities including:
- a gas-absorber detector for 10Be analysis
- a time-of-flight detector
- a general use ionization detector suited to 36Cl and other analyses.
Sirius has ion beam analysis facilities including:
- a confocal heavy ion microprobe
- a surface engineering beamline
- a nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) and;
- a heavy ion implantation beamline.
ANSTO is exploring the possibility of porting the beam to the existing Antares beam hall for simultaneous irradiation experiments.