Services - Kowari
Sample environments available
Additional general use ancillaries
Ancillary | Performance | Quantity |
Cryofurnace-pooled for general use | 6 K - 800 K 3 | 3 |
Cryostat | 1.8 K - 300 K | 1 |
500C Vacuum Furnace (in house design) | 20C to 500C | 1 |
Electric Field Device EF-1 (power supply system) | 10kV AC/DC | 1 |
Vacuum Furnace F-1 (ILL type, niobium) | 20C - 1600C |
Data analysis
Data analysis is supported through user training which is provided at the AINSE Neutron Scattering Winter School (http://www.ainse.edu.au/events2/winter_schools).
Data Correction and Reduction
Data correction and reduction is provided by the Kowari instrument scientists, but if desired users are able to perform this task with the following tools:
ANSTO has developed GumTree which can be downloaded from http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GUMTREE/Downloads.
This software package provides a variety of functionality including visualizing, correcting and reducing experiment data.
For support, contact the Kowari instrument scientists: [email protected]
Data Access
The Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering promotes access to data collected during scientific experiments. Read more about Data Archiving.
Access to data is available at ANSTO during the 3 year embargo period via the following options:
- Login to https://tardis.nbi.ansto.gov.au where you can search through your data and download as required.
- Access a secure copy at scp.nbi.ansto.gov.au using a client such as FileZilla (see http://filezilla-project.org/download.php) or winSCP (see http://winscp.net/eng/download.php).
If you are unable to login, contact the user office: [email protected].
It is ANSTO policy that after a 3 year embargo period, data becomes publicly accessible. This can be viewed as "Public Experiments" at https://tardis.nbi.ansto.gov.au. Metadata relating to the experimental data is copied to Research Data Australia http://researchdata.ands.org.au. In encouraging this practice ANSTO has helped many researchers forge new collaborations.