ANSTO has a full suite of mineralogical, chemical and hydrometallurgical facilities from laboratory through to pilot scale.

24/7 Coverage
All our facilities are ARPANSA and ASNO licensed to handle radioactive materials.
In addition we provide a dedicated suite of in-house analytical instruments to support our client projects. These analytical facilities can be operated as needed in order to meet project requirements, including 24/7 coverage during pilot plant trials. The range of analytical techniques available includes:
- Mineralogy – QEMSCAN / XRD / TEM
- Solids assay – XRF, digest ICP, LECO, TGA-DSC, DNA and NAA
- Liquor assay – XRF, ICP-MS, ICP-OES and ISE,
- α, β and γ spectrometry

Laboratories & facilities
Extensive laboratory and piloting facilities to support your next project:
- Sample receipt and preparation facility
- Modern hydrometallurgical laboratories including cyanide leaching laboratory
- Autoclave laboratory – multiple materials of construction options, up to 2 L scale
- High engineering bay to house tall columns
- Dedicated solvent extraction separation facility – mixer-settler and pulsed columns
- Extensive ion exchange equipment – laboratory and pilot scale, fixed bed and RIP
- Nanofiltration/membrane equipment – laboratory and pilot scale
- Directly and indirectly heated rotary kilns – up to 100 kg/h
- Pilot plant facilities
- Demonstration plant facilities including bunded hardstand area
- Extensive sample storage area