Statement of Intent
In May 2023, The Honourable Dr Annabelle Bennett, ANSTO Board Chair, shared ANSTO's Statement of Intent with the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology.
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In May 2023, The Honourable Dr Annabelle Bennett, ANSTO Board Chair, shared ANSTO's Statement of Intent with the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology.
Using the past to illuminate the future: Brothers collaborate on important science documentary for ABC TV
This month ANSTO is opening its doors to 11 talented young people from across Australia as the two-year Graduate Program kickstarts.
ANSTO’s Dr Joanne Lackenby and Dr Katie Sizeland have been selected 2018 Superstars of STEM as some of Australia’s most inspiring scientists, technologists and educators.
The 2023 Australian Synchrotron Stephen Wilkins Thesis Medal has been awarded to Dr Yanxiang Meng from the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research and the University of Melbourne for his research investigating the molecular mechanism at work in a form of programmed cell death, which is implicated in a variety of inflammatory diseases.
The Accelerator Science group purse a broad research program with the aims of improving the performance and reliability of our accelerators, increasing their research capabilities and developing the next generation of accelerator technology.
Dr Linda Croton, a Research Fellow at Monash University, has been awarded the 2020 ANSTO Australian Synchrotron Stephen Wilkins Thesis medal for her outstanding work using synchrotron-based X-ray for brain imaging.
ANSTO is pleased to welcome The Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett AO SC as the new ANSTO Board Chairperson, following the announcement from the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology.
A lesson in Science and Sustainability.
With more than 50 years of experience in monitoring natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in the environment, ANSTO can provide the crucial data and insights you need to assist with the planning and risk management associated with oil and gas decommissioning.
The celebration of the UN’s International Women’s Day 2023 has a theme that highlights the power of innovative IT to combat discrimination and the marginalisation of women globally.
ANSTO, Australia’s knowledge centre for nuclear science and technology, connects STEM graduates with industry to work on real-world challenges through its FutureNow Scholarships for 2022.
Analysing the microstructure of paracetamol using synchrotron infrared optical technique provides insights.
Retrieving an Antarctic ice core more than a million years old presents challenges and opportunities.
Commitment to undertake health research.