Air Quality
Environment researchers use atmospheric radioactivity measurements, fine particle sampling and composition analysis to understand the the impact of harmful air pollution on human health and the environment over many timescales.
The goals of the research are to identify regions that are the source of pollution, constrain the estimates of emissions and determine the fate of air pollution.
It is possible to measure quantities of particulates, trace atmospheric gases and radionuclides associated with human activities.
The research contributes to an interpretation of human-induced changes in the atmospheric composition at regional and global levels. Radon measurements form key stations around the Earth are used to trace the movements of air masses and to refine estimates of background levels.
The characterisation of atmospheric mixing and transport processes are important for understanding anthropogenic pollution and heat dispersion, in urban areas in particular.
New techniques are being developed using atmospheric radioactivity and fine particle sampling to improve urban climate and the management of air pollution.
The methods are also used to evaluate model of urban climate and the transport of chemicals in the atmosphere.
The team also calibrates estimates of regionally integrated data, which is important for a clear picture of the distribution of trace atmospheric gases
The correlation of analyses of fine particle air pollution samples and measurements of harmful atmospheric circulation occurs in collaboration with leading research groups,