Raghav completed a double degree in Mechatronics Engineering and Computer Science and is currently working with the Electrical Engineering Team at the Australian Center for Neutron Scattering. They are learning about the construction and control of different types of motors, encoders and other electro-mechanical systems including a 6-axis robotic arm. Prior to starting at ANSTO, Raghav had the opportunity to learn about RGBD camera's, LiDAR, Ultrasonic sensors, IMU and other devices while researching the autonomous capability of 4 wheeled robot. Raghav has developed a toolbox to control a UR5e robotic arm in the process of designing and delivering a robotic arm course at UNSW. Finally, they have applied computer vision techniques in various projects to track and identify features of interest. Raghav really enjoys learning about how a particular electro-mechanical system works as a whole and being able to control it to complete a certain task.