Role at ANSTO
Narelle Hegarty is a Stable Isotope Analyst who works within the Isotope Tracing in Natural Systems platform within the Nuclear Science and Technology group. She analyses δ13C, C%, δ15N, N% in sediments, plant and animal materials and δ2H and δ18/16O isotopes in surface and groundwaters. Her work also extends to δ13C for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in both surface and groundwaters.
These analyses contribute to a range of ANSTO’s outputs, including but not limited to food provenance studies, natural variability in hydrogeological systems research, isoscapes of lakes, environmental change research in vulnerable regions, such as Antarctica, and the Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) program.
Narelle is also a Health and Safety Representative.
Stable isotope analysis, Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry, Elemental Analysis, Cavity Ring Down Spectrometry
Qualifications & Achievements
- Bachelor of Biotechnology, University of Newcastle (awarded with distinction, 2013)
- Bachelor or Science (Hons. Class I, molecular biology)