Role at ANSTO
Zeljko's responsibilities lie primarily in contributions to the $37 M worth Centre for Accelerator Science (CAS) Project, including design, construction and installation of the 4 new beamlines for Ion Bean Analysis (IBA) of the new 6 MV NEC Pelletron accelerator commissioned by the ANSTO.Interdisciplinary scientific research in the areas of radiation dosimetry, ion beam modification of materials, and applied nuclear methods for microscopy, mapping and characterisation with the ANTARES Heavy Ion Microprobe.
Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) instrumentation; in particular, (Heavy) Ion Microprobe and; Ion beam interactions with matter, ion beam induced material modification and material characterisation with IBA techniques, including semiconductor materials and devices.
Qualifications & Achievements
- Publication of 31 refereed research articles in international journals
- Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics, University of Zagreb (2009)
- M.Sc. in Applied Nuclear Physics, University of Zagreb (2004)