Role at ANSTO
Dr Stefania Peracchi is a nuclear physicist and currently covers the role of accelerator scientist and space radiation expert at the Centre for Accelerator Science. She is also an Honorary Senior Fellow at the Centre for Medical Radiation Physics.
Stefania works with the precision irradiation team exploiting the powerful sources from the accelerators SIRIUS and ANTARES to conduct research on space radiation effects on electronic devices, advanced materials, and human body.
Supported by the Australian Space Agency, she collaborated to create the National Space Qualification Network, with the goal to expand the space radiation testing facilities and capabilities of the Heavy Ion Microprobes beamlines mounted on the ANTARES and SIRIUS accelerators.
Stefania's decade-long experience began after completing a Master's degree in Nuclear Engineering at Politecnico of Milan, followed by two years of research in Paris as a nuclear research engineer at the French Institute of Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN). Dr. Peracchi led a project involving the characterization of cosmic radiation detectors for radiation monitoring in aviation.
Stefania decided to pursue a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics at the Centre for Medical Radiation Physics at the University of Wollongong in Australia, where her thesis, titled "Silicon on insulator microdosimetry for radiation protection in space and aviation," received double commendation for its results. As a countermeasure, Stefania dedicated part of her research to studying new shielding materials for spacecraft that could more effectively shield radiation.
Her numerous years of research in nuclear physics have enriched her knowledge in nuclear medicine and radiobiology, which Stefania currently applies in her position at ANSTO on projects related to new radiotherapy treatments such as proton therapy.
Stefania is an internationally multi-awarded scientist, and her research impact is reflected in over 20 publications, more than 40 conferences, 3 chairing sessions at international conference, science outreach events, educational activities, participation in scientific committees, with the aim of pushing the boundaries of scientific exploration for safer and more sustainable space exploration and more effective cancer fight on Earth.
- Accelerator Science and Precision Irradiation
- Space radiation effects,
- Microdosimetry and dosimetry
- Radiation shielding materials
- Radiation detection and protection
- GEANT4 simulation
- Science communication
Qualifications and Achievements
*PhD in Physics (Microdosimetry for radiation protection in space) from the University of Wollongong, Australia (2021)
*MSc in Nuclear Engineering from Politecnico of Milan, Italy (2016)
*BSc in Physics Engineering from Politecnico of Milan, Italy (2013)
- Trainee grant at IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging, Australia (2018)
- People’s Choice Award at the final 3 Minutes Thesis Asia-Pacific Competition (2020)
- Paul-Phelps Continuing Education Award, Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Committee, USA (2020)
- Trainee grant at IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging, USA (2020)
- Nomination for the Bragg Gold Medal from the Australian Institute of Physics, 2022.
- Nominated one of the 25 GameChangers2023 running for Global Australian of the Year2023 by the Global Australian Award under the Global Talen category, 2023.
- Italian Bilateral Scientific Cooperation Award, medal awarded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, 2024.
- Finalist of the UOW Young Alumni Award, 2024
Committees, affiliations and memberships
Member, IEEE IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (since 2018)