ANSTO announces that applications are now being accepted for Industry foundations scholarship.
Under the auspices of an NSW government funding scheme to establish a five year Graduate Institute 'Industry Foundations Program', ANSTO is awarding a minimum of 5 scholarships in the first year. Graduate students who are working on industry-focused translational research projects in 2020 aligned with ANSTO strategic objectives are invited to apply.
The scholarships include a top-up stipend of $7,500 and approved travel and accommodation support of up to $10,000, depending on location.
Recipients must be graduates of a Bachelor or equivalent degree or higher and be within 5 years of graduation or be undertaking a higher degree by research.
It is anticipated that most recipients will be undertaking a PhD by research hosted by an NSW university and will hold a Research Training Program or similar scholarship.
Where a recipient is enrolled at an Australian or New Zealand university, that university must be a member of the Australian Institute for Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE).
Recipients must spend at least 6 months at an ANSTO facility.
Recipients will work on an industry-focused project aligned with ANSTO strategic objectives, with priority given to translational research projects related to the development of radiopharmaceuticals and their application; defence; fusion; Nuclear Technology capability development; and/or projects which align with one of ANSTO’s strategic research program themes of environment; human health; or the nuclear fuel cycle.
All projects must have a nominated ANSTO supervisor who will be expected to be a formal co-supervisor (as defined by the university) of any recipients that are students at a university.
All projects must have industry support. The nature of the support could include cash or in-kind contributions as well as an indication by the industry partner that the project is a useful undertaking. Priority will be given in accordance with the value of the support indicated.
Applications close 22 November 2019. Full details and a scholarship guide on the Industry Foundations Scholarship page.
Queries may be directed to any potential ANSTO collaborator or the ANSTO Points of Contact regarding specific research projects or to Andrew Peele ([email protected]) for all other queries. See details about Priority Focus Areas and Points of Contact on the Industry Foundations Scholarship page.
The Graduate Institute is part of ANSTO’s Innovation Precinct, a globally-connected, vibrant and inclusive community with researchers, start-ups and industries delivering inspired solutions in partnership for a sustainable world.