Published on the 12th May 2020 by ANSTO Staff
The newly released Collaboration Area Place Strategy for ANSTO's Innovation Precinct supports a vision for the Lucas Heights campus to be transformed into a thriving centre for innovation that will nurture and drive technology development and create more knowledge-intensive jobs in Sydney’s Southern District.
Developed by the Greater Sydney Commission with contributions from ANSTO, Sutherland Shire Council, representatives of the local Aboriginal community and federal and state government, the strategy builds on ANSTO’s commitment to drive Australian innovation through greater synergies between science, industry and local and regional businesses.
Among other local and regional benefits, ANSTO's Innovation Precinct is set to generate an estimated 3,740 new jobs in Southern Sydney and more than 5,000 jobs in NSW over the next 20 years.
The Precinct will co-locate knowledge-intensive participants, high-tech industries, local and regional businesses, and graduates in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine as well as scientific partners in a new and engaging space.
The physical and cultural environment has been important in shaping the strategy as the Precinct as it sits within a landscape shaped by Heathcote National Park, Royal National Park, Woronora River and a rich Aboriginal culture and history.
The strategy brought stakeholders together to address issues such as transport connections accommodation, and environmental constraints such bushfire, flooding and protecting wildlife and cultural sites. The Commission anticipates stakeholders will work together to provide supporting infrastructure that is efficient and utilises new utility and technological models.
At the heart of the Precinct is access to the capabilities and expertise in science and innovation at ANSTO to deliver the inventive, sustainable solutions of tomorrow, particularly those which will support the Australian economy post-COVID-19.
The Innovation Precinct was bolstered by a $12.5 million grant from the NSW Government last year for Graduate Institute and nandin.
Through shared objectives, the Place Strategy provides a foundation for the Precinct to support a connected, vibrant and inclusive nexus of researchers, start-ups, and businesses to work together on cutting-edge projects with benefits for science, industry and society.