Services - Taipan
Sample environments available
Data Analysis
Data analysis is supported through user training which is provided at the AINSE Neutron Scattering Winter School (http://www.ainse.edu.au/events2/winter_schools).
Data analysis for Taipan can be carried out for example with RESTRAX which can be found at http://neutron.ujf.cas.cz/restrax. It is specially designed for three-axis spectrometers (TAS) and is equipped with simplified (but faster) ray-tracing code for simulation of TAS resolution functions and additional tools for data analysis. It provides graphical representation of resolution functions as well as both simulated and experimental scattering functions. The non-linear least-squares fitting routine is available with variety of scattering models and a possibility to add other models created by users as a library linked dynamically to the main program. The program has been equipped with intuitive graphical user interface written in Java (portable across platforms).
For support, contact the Taipan instrument scientists: [email protected]
Data Access
ANSTO promotes access to data collected during scientific experiments. See http://www.ansto.gov.au/ResearchHub/Bragg/Users/DataArchiving/index.htm
Access to data is available at ANSTO during the 3 year embargo period via the following options:
Login to https://tardis.nbi.ansto.gov.au where you can search through your data and download as required.
Access a secure copy at scp.nbi.ansto.gov.au using a client such as FileZilla (see http://filezilla-project.org/download.php) or winSCP (see http://winscp.net/eng/download.php).
If you are unable to login, contact the User Office [email protected]
It is ANSTO policy that after a 3 year embargo period, data becomes publicly accessible. This can be viewed as "Public Experiments" at https://tardis.nbi.ansto.gov.au. Metadata relating to the experimental data is copied to Research Data Australia http://researchdata.ands.org.au. In encouraging this practice ANSTO has helped many researchers forge new collaborations.
The instrument control program used on TAIPAN is SICS (SINQ Instrument Control System) from PSI. SICS is run as a server, with Gumtree as the client.
Prior to the installation of SICS/Gumtree, the instrument control program used was SpICE, which is still used on the cold-neutron triple-axis spectrometer, SIKA, at the Bragg Institute. The table below gives the correspondence between the two programs for the common operating functions. Many commands have additional keys that control the function or fix certain parameters. See the manuals for SICS and SpICE for further details. Most functions in SpICE can also be accessed via a graphical user interface; click on the individual commands for further details. A subset of the SICS functions can be accessed via the Gumtree graphical user interface, and these are indicated in the right-hand column.
Both programs treat all moveable quantities (e.g. physical motors, sample-environment parameters, reciprocal-space and energy parameters) as motors, i.e. the values can be read, driven, and scanned.
Function | SpICE | SICS | Gumtree |
SETUP | |||
Enter crystal and instrument data begin | begin title users contact sample lattice monochromator analyzer | tasub cell tasub mono tasub ana | Load/Experiment Expt (where data files are kept) proposal title user local mono ana sense collimation sample |
Specify instrument geometry | mode plusminus | tasub ss | |
Specify the scattering plane | spv | tasub outofplane 1/0 | |
Set fixed incident/final energy/disregard analyser | ei/ef | tasub const ki/kf/elastic | ??? |
Set hardware options for motor n | hold lowerlimit upperlimit | n enable 0/1 n fixed 1/-1 n softlowerlim x n softupperlim x n list | |
Set the default preset for counts or scans | preset | bm1 preset | |
Calculate motor positions for a given h k l ei ef or vice-versa | calc | tasub calcang tasub calcqe | |
Read the position of motor n | ??? | n | |
Drive one or more motors n to specified value(s) x | drive drive_rel | drive | |
Drive to a specified reciprocal-lattice point (and energy) qh qk ql (en) | br | drive qh qk ql (en) | |
Set the zero angle for a specified motor n | zero setpos | n setzero x setpos not x ?? | |
'Home' a motor n | ??? | n homerun 0/1 | |
Count for a fixed preset monitor count or time on counter | count | counter count counter getcounts | Check status bar for bm1, bm2, & time |
Perform a scan | scan scanrel | runscan mscan cscan | |
To stop a drive/run | ??? | INT1712 1 stopexe n stopexe all | Pause/Resume/Stop button |
Wait for a specified time t (sec) | wait | wait t | |
Set the temperature as T | Set_temp | run tc1_driveable T drive tc1_driveable T hlist hget send | |
Reflection centring | scanrel n ... com n | runscan n ... drive n centre | ??? |
reflection-list manipulations | addpeak | tasub listref tasub addref tasub addauxref tasub del | |
Orientation-matrix generation | peak1 peak2 ubcalc | tasub listub tasub makeub n1 n2 tasub update | |
Incident energy calibration | calibrate (begin fit finish) | Manual 6peak Ni scan | |
Final energy calibration | ??? | A1 scan & A1/A2 scan | |
Write, view, and edit command stack | ??? | ext editor for .dat or .ill files | Use Batch Edit & Buffer Queue |
Execute a macro | run | exe batch.tcl | Play |
Interact with running sequence | ??? | NT1712 0/1/2/3 | Pause/Resume/Stop button |
Add notes to the log file | comment logfileoutput | logbook Commandlog GetLog #comment | |
Browse headers of raw data files | Graffiti | ??? | HDF viewer (external) |
Plot and fit single or combined raw data files | Graffiti | ??? | Load Script / Analysis / live data |
Simulate (validate) scans | scansim SHOWDEST | Insert ? to Batch editor & validate | |
Spurion calculation | Graffiti | ??? | ??? |
On-line help | help | ??? | ??? |