Education Resources
Showing 11 - 20 of 39 learning resources…
Wetlands information for students
Shorebirds rely almost entirely on wetlands and coastal areas for their survival as they feed, rest and raise their chicks on the shoreline. They wade in the water (and are sometimes called waders), but don’t swim or ever land on water, unlike seabirds!
Wetlands information for students outlineYear 5-6 Accompanying Science Unit
Teacher Lesson plan on Shorebirds
Year 5-6 Accompanying Science Unit OutlineYear 3-4 Accompanying Science Unit
Teacher Lesson plan on Shorebirds
Year 3-4 Accompanying Science Unit OutlinePrimary Education Web Flyer 2022
Primary Education Program 2022
Primary Education Web Flyer 2022 outlineYear 5-6 Accompanying Geography Unit
Teacher Lesson plan on Shorebirds
Year 5-6 Accompanying Geography Unit OutlineExploring what scientists do
This resource gives students an opportunity to engage in scientific inquiry through the application of working scientifically skills/inquiry skills. The document provides a systematic, step by step scaffold of a scientific investigation using secondary data of atmospheric measurements made on the grounds of Liverpool Girls' High School from March 2019 to February 2020. This resource is suitable for Years 7-10.
Students will:
- propose a hypothesis after researching relevant background information
- process and analyse data and information
- create a graph and interpret results
- communicate the process and findings of their investigation in the form of a scientific report
- increase their understanding of the atmosphere and the factors that influence it
Radionuclides in medicine
Radionuclides have been used routinely in medicine for more than 60 years. Nuclear medicine uses radiation to provide information about the functioning of a person's specific organs to diagnose or treat disease. The radionuclides used in medicine have half-lives ranging from a few minutes to several days to minimise the patient's radiation dose.
Students will:
- use MS Excel to construct simple graphs of decay of three unknown medical radionuclides
- use their graph to calculate the half-life of the radionuclides
- determine the identity and use of each radionuclide using the background information provided.
Groundwater science
Water is a resource that needs careful management to ensure it is used sustainably. In this data set, students analyse real research data about the sustainability of groundwater on Rottnest Island. These activities are suitable for students in Years 7 to 10.
Students will:
- understand the concepts of groundwater and aquifers and the role of the water cycle
- use MS Excel to construct simple graphs (or draw graphs by hand)
- interpret and analyse graphs and other representations of data
- investigate the effects of a changing climate on groundwater resources
- distinguish between correlation and causation
Investigating isotopes
Learn about isotopes using real examples and real data, including comprehensive isotopic data of the first twenty chemical elements in the periodic table (hydrogen to calcium). Teachers can use the accompanying worksheet, in sections or in its entirety, to develop student literacy, numeracy, critical and creative thinking and ICT skills. These activities are suitable for students in Years 9 to 12.
Students will:
- learn how the number of neutrons and protons in an isotope affects its nuclear properties
- construct a section of the table of isotopes, using MS Excel
- investigate the properties and uses of different isotopes
Year 3 to 6 tour outline and syllabus outcomes
The ANSTO primary tour experience has been enjoyed by thousands of students. Visit world-class science facilities and learn about the important role of scientists in society and the different environments they work in. Students participate in a fun and engaging "Colour and Light Show" and discuss their science interests with our experienced education team.
Year 3 to 6 tour outline and syllabus outcomesPrimary School Tours