COVIDSafe Plan
This page was last updated September 2022.
This COVIDSafe Plan describes the actions that ANSTO will take to keep our staff, contractors and visitors safe and minimise the risk of the spread of COVID-19 infection.
This COVIDSafe Plan applies to all ANSTO campuses, although additional controls are required by Victoria and a separate COVIDSafe Plan is in place for Clayton campus.
This document must be read in conjunction with the latest Australian Government and relevant state government advice.
Additional detail can be made available through the ANSTO Work Health & Safety Management System > Occupational Health Management by request to your escort, sponsor or ANSTO Contractor Supervisor.
The risk of COVID-19 infections has been controlled by community lockdowns, vaccinations and isolation protocols, but it has not been eradicated. It will be important to continue operations in a COVIDSafe manner. ANSTO takes a risk-based approach that uses the hierarchy of control and concurrent layers of control to minimise the risk to workers and others on our Campuses.
ANSTO has implemented Executive Oversight COVID Committees to monitor the emerging Government advice, community issues and the response actions to be taken by ANSTO. These Executive Committees are supported by ANSTO Subject Matter Experts and support functions.
ANSTO seeks reliable COVID related information from trusted sources such as the World Health Organisation, Australian Government Department of Health, Comcare, Safe Work Australia, NSW Department of Health and Victorian Department of Health and Human Services.
Wellbeing of People
ANSTO Actions
- Persons that are unwell must not attend Campus. Workers have been provided with additional information to self-monitor for symptoms
- All workers that are unwell or experiencing cold and flu/ COVID symptoms are to stay at home and seek a COVID test/ medical advice.
- Workers that have received a COVID-19 Test must self-isolate as directed by the State Health Department.
- Staff that have been tested for COVID or are experiencing symptoms must lodge a report via the ANSTO COVID online self-reporting tool
- Visitors that have tested positive to COVID within 2 days of attending campus must notify their escort, sponsor or Contractor Supervisor.
- ANSTO adjusts staffing requirements on campuses in line with State Government Public Health Orders and recommendations.
- ANSTO is leveraging technology to minimise the requirement to physically attend Campuses or congregate in person in meeting rooms.
- Where required, campuses have State-based QR systems for checking in of all staff, visitors and contractors.
- Collaborators and platform users are allowed onsite (in line with Government Public Health Orders) after risk assessment for their actions has been conducted. ANSTO provides a COVIDSafe induction prior to coming onto site.
- Facilities with campus interdependencies may have implemented infrared thermal scanners for the detection of fever prior to entry as identified in their risk assessment.
- Staff travel has been minimised and should not occur unless absolutely necessary with regard to state border restrictions.
- COVID-19 Risk Management Induction available
- If catering is required, individual catering packs are preferred. If not reasonably practicable, common touchpoints should be minimised by having one person, wearing masks and gloves, to serve food items. Single-use items such as cutlery and plates (environmentally friendly options) are to be used.
- Signage in place across Campuses
- Conditions of entry available at Reception
- Visitors and Emergency Pass contractors are to complete AF-5259 COVID Visitor and Emergency Pass Declaration Form and submit to Reception 24 hours prior to attending campus.
- Campus response arrangements have been detailed in the Occupational Health Management section of the ANSTO Work Health and Safety Management System. ANSTO will also follow advice provided by the relevant State Authorities in response to a positive COVID-19 infection.
Physical Distancing
ANSTO Actions
- Workers comply with work team/ working remotely arrangements as implemented in response to government Public Health Orders
- Minimise worker movements across Campus
- Conduct meetings via remote platforms as available (eg: Microsoft Teams).
- Face to Face Training minimised to business critical compliance training only, by approval.
- All persons to maintain 1.5m physical distance from others (as much as possible)
- Workers are to not shake hands or exchange physical greetings
- Re-arrange furniture to encourage physical distancing
- Signage posting room occupancy limits (based on 1 person per 2m2)
- Minimise the number of workers in ANSTO vehicles
- Monitor shuttle bus services and adjust services accordingly
- Minimise hot desking/ shared workstations or clean as below.
Hygiene and Cleaning
ANSTO Actions
- All persons are to observe personal cough and sneeze etiquette, handwashing and sanitising
- Signage and posters regarding handwashing and cough etiquette
- Increase the frequency of cleaning. Additional disinfection of surfaces
- Provide hand & hygiene sanitiser stations at building entries and other key locations
- Provide additional cleaning materials in common use areas such as meeting rooms, utilities rooms, kitchen/ tea rooms
- Ensure bathrooms are well stocked with hand soap and paper towels
- Stores provisions of additional COVID-19 supplies: hand sanitiser, face masks, gloves, tissues, surface wipes and other cleaning supplies.
- Where physical distancing cannot be maintained, or is required by State Health Authorities, provide face masks.
- Face masks are recommended in shared office settings or where a 1.5m distance cannot be maintained.
- Workers must follow local risk assessment requirements
- Workers may make a personal preference choice to continue to wear face masks.
Screening Testing (Lucas Heights Campus)
ANSTO Actions
- Persons (other than nominated ANSTO Workers) that need to provide evidence of RAT, are to make their own arrangements for a free PCR Test from a State Health Clinic or RAT test.
- Persons must advise their Supervisor/ Line Manager of the outcome of their test prior to attending Campus
- Positive RAT Results must be reported to ANSTO and to the State Health Authorities as required:
- NSW Report a positive RAT
- VIC Report a positive RAT
- If you have had COVID-19 you are exempt from workplace surveillance testing for one month from your first diagnosis.
Administrative Controls
ANSTO Actions
- Campus QR codes for check-in where required.
- AF-5259 COVID Visitor and Emergency Pass Declaration Form to be submitted to Reception 24 hours prior to attending campus. Form can be requested from your ANSTO Contact or Reception.
- The ANSTO COVID-19 online self-reporting tool
- ANSTO Website COVID-19 Updates
- ANSTO Work Health and Safety Management System
- Risk assessment and consultation
- Regular review and, if necessary, revision of risk assessments/ action plans.
- If necessary, Security door swipe access to contact trace movements of workers of a confirmed COVID-19 case that was infectious whilst on Campus
- Incident reporting and notification to SafeWork NSW, Victorian Department of Health & Human Services and to Comcare if required.
- ANSTO encourages all persons to obtain the required doses of COVID-19 vaccination..
- Persons that are unable to comply with this arrangement should speak with their ANSTO Contact. Alternate additional controls may be required.
- If a person has concerns or questions about the vaccine, they should seek advice from a medical professional.
- World Health Organisation – Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- Australian Government Department of Health – Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Australian Government Department of Health – COVID-19 Vaccines
- Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Smarttraveller
- NSW Government Department of Health COVID-19
- Victorian Department of Health and Human Affairs - Coronavirus
- Safe Work Australia Coronavirus (COVID-19): Advice for employers
- Australian Government. 2020. Office of the Australian Information Commissioner - Coronavirus (COVID-19): Understanding your privacy obligations to your staff
- ABC News: Coronacast