Role at ANSTO
Dr Jeremy Wykes is a beamline scientist on the team building the Medium Energy X-ray spectroscopy (MEX) beamline at the Australian Synchrotron. He applies his previous experience as an ANBF user, a beamline scientist at the XAS beamline and an electron microprobe operator to the design and implementation of the MEX beamline.
His background is primarily in high-temperature, high pressure-experimental geochemistry, using piston-cylinder apparatus to study phase relations, mineral solubility and the speciation of trace elements in silicate glass at controlled oxygen fugacity via XANES. During his post-doc with Macquarie University, he assembled, integrated and commissioned a D-DIA high-pressure apparatus on the XAS beamline. He has previously worked as an exploration geologist in Arnhem Land and the Lachlan Fold Belt.
X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence detectors, Experimental Geochemistry, Oxygen fugacity control, High-Pressure High-Temperature Experimental Apparatus Development and Application, Quantitative Electron Probe Microanalysis
Qualifications & Achievements
- Beamline Scientist – XAS (2018-2019)
- Acting Beamline Scientist – XAS (2017-2018)
- Australian Synchrotron Research Fellow, Macquarie University (2015-2017)
- PhD in Earth Science, The Australian National University (2014)
- Fulbright Postgraduate Scholar in Science and Engineering sponsored by BHP Billiton (2009)
- MPhil in Earth Science, The Australian National University (2006)
- University Medal, The Australian National University (2003)
- BSc (Hons) in Geology, The Australian National University (2003)