Showing 21 - 40 of 89 results
Proposed new ANSTO waste facility
The independent nuclear regulator, ARPANSA, is currently accepting submissions about ANSTO’s planned $59.8 million Intermediate Level Solid Waste Storage Facility.
Constructing the world's newest nuclear medicine manufacturing facility
Principal Technical Consultant Michael Druce shares some personal insights on the design and construction of ANSTO's nuclear medicine facility.
FAQs on the Mo-99 Manufacturing Facility
Frequently asked questions on the Mo-99 Manufacturing Facility and the ANSTO Nuclear Medicine project.
ANSTO to help supply the world with nuclear medicine
Statement of Intent
In May 2023, The Honourable Dr Annabelle Bennett, ANSTO Board Chair, shared ANSTO's Statement of Intent with the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology.
Radioactive waste briefing for Nuclear Medicine Specialists
Seven of Australia’s top nuclear medicine professionals have been briefed on ANSTO’s plans to manage radioactive waste, as well as to support nuclear medicine innovation in Australia.
Cancer patients to benefit from new supply chain
Application approved for operation of interim waste store
Bipartisan support for national radioactive waste management facility
Australia’s OPAL multi-purpose reactor prepares for new milestone
Routine transport of spent nuclear fuel
Repatriation of Australian waste from France
ANSTO welcomes new Board Chair Michael Quigley
Australia plans to combat looming medicine supply crisis
Going global with nuclear medicine
Australian Synchrotron to officially become part of the nuclear family
Nuclear medicine supplies guaranteed
Bushfires in proximity to ANSTO during the 2018 bushfires.
Independent Regulator Assessing ANSTO Infrastructure Plan
Update on building 23 at ANSTO
The Australian Government recently announced $30 million to design a new world-leading nuclear medicine manufacturing facility at ANSTO’s Lucas Heights campus, and replace and an ageing facility.
Nuclear medicine facilities
To enable the production of nuclear medicine, ANSTO operates manufacturing, processing and distribution facilities in Sydney.